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Newsletter: The Morning Star
Give the
that can change a life!
Your $300 scholarship donation will provide an incredible adventure in leadership training for a financially challenged teen in your community!
Students nominated based on the following criteria:
• Positive influence on the students around them
• Honest
• Hard working
• Going into the 7th or 8th grade
• Financially challenged environment
Students are nominated for STAR SCHOLARSHIPS by their 6th and 7th grade teachers. Teens with the most nominations are chosen to attend a leadership development program at MSR.
A $300 donation will provide one student in your community the opportunity to attend!
Join us in praising our LORD for faithfully providing:
*New Prayer Warriors, Volunteers and Contributors
*Precious friends loaning equipment to improve pastures
*Volunteers who sprigged our hay pasture
*Veterinarian and Equine Dental services donated
*Siding and installation for Mt. Olive Cabin
*Hay Baler
*$7,337.00 - Diamond Wishes Children's Charity Auction
*Round and square bales of hay
*Volunteers that worked on pipe fencing and roof of arena
*$27,816 - Donations for Teen Leadership Scholarships
*$ 3,750 - Donations for "Give Back to Vets" (Ladies)
*$ 3,557 - Donations for "Give Back to Vets" (Men)
*$ 7,702 - Donations for Project Magnify Projects
*$42,825 - Total 2023 Telethon Donations
"Unlimited Possibilities" for Vets
In 2020 we started hosting 4-day weekends for combat veterans that reside at Camp Hope in Houston. Vets are awarded this retreat for successfully completing 5 months of the 6-8 month program. I just want to share with you, why we do it and the results I have seen.
These men have all been in combat, fighting for the freedom that all of us enjoy. Unfortunately, we rarely think about those that make the sacrifices for us.
A combat veteran has to see and do things that most of us wouldn't believe. They are the kind of things that can't be forgotten and take a toll on our heroes.
Camp Hope is an amazing biblically based PTSD treatment center and MSR has come alongside their efforts to heal the souls of these warriors.
We have seen God touch the lives of many of these men. I have listened to many of their testimonies describing a peace that they experienced at MSR that they had forgotten was possible.
Let me encourage you to find out more about this work of God and come alongside us to support this ministry.
God Bless, Matt Smith
Click the picture to go to Andy's Corner!

"Unlimited Possibilities"
by Rita Kay
Not limited or restricted in terms of number quantity, or extent!
Things that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives!
When I was thinking and praying about the new year at MSR, the words I heard for 2024 were without a doubt,
"Unlimited Possibilities".
In 1992, we were living in a suburb of Dallas, raising a family, when the vision began in our hearts and minds. Feeling the call of God to be instruments of hope, love and encouragement, we purchased 166 acres in Milano, with only a pole barn and a hog trap. God began to call volunteers to help us as His plans were being revealed one miracle after another.
I will never forget our first teen camp with 16 sixth graders and that first evening after registration. I was telling the kids that we were going to study in the first five chapters of Proverbs. As I was talking about Soloman and why we should listen to him, I realized that I should back up. I asked how many remembered the story of David and Goliath? I recall the panic welling up inside me when only two little boys raised their hands. Our call to teach Jesus confirmed!
Thank you, Jesus, for inspiring every person that has helped us!
Bless them indeed!
Praise your Holy Name!