Contact Us: Call 512-455-2552 or Text 979-219-2174
You can also send us snail mail!
Morning Star Ranch
4701 CR 328
Milano, TX 76556
Every horse needs a hero! We have recently been blessed with more horses. These are fine animals that we believe to be a great addition to our teen programs. Along with the horses come the vet and feed bills. Would you or anyone you know be interested in being a HORSE HERO?
Here's how it works:
#2 HORSE HEROES commit to 5 monthly donations of $40 a month or make a one time donation of $200. This will provide quality care for that specific horse, including:
- Farrier (hoof maintenance)
- Vet (shots, medicine, etc.)
#3 HORSE HEROES may have their picture on the website with their adopted horse! You and a friend may even want to sponsor a horse together and share the expense!
#4 HORSE HEROES have the satisfaction of taking care of a horse that is helping a teen succeed in life!
Morning Star Ranch Ministries is a
501(C)3 nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please stop & check your calendar and let us know ASAP if you are available to help...these events take much planning. Only skill required is a willing heart! Text Rita Kay: 979-219-2174
ONGOING PROJECTS - Let us know when you can come.
All Events
- Housekeepers to clean before and after events
- Landscaping & grounds maintenance
Horse Competitions
- Helpers to set obstacles before & after the ride
Teen Camps / Events
- Dorm Moms & Dads during camps
- Supervisors for outdoor work projects and activities such as horses, gardening and mowing/trimming trails
Road Work / Pasture Improvement
- Haul rock & gravel for our driveway
For more information and availability:
Be Blessed at Morning Star Ranch
...saving financially challenged teens from a life of destruction!
Give the
and change a life!
Star Retreat Camp was created to provide financially challenged teens the opportunity to attend a unique camp experience designed to develop leadership skills.
A $250 tax deductible donation will provide one student nominated from your community the opportunity to attend.
Students are nominated for STAR SCHOLARSHIPS by the 6th and 7th grade teachers. Teens with the most nominations are chosen to attend our leadership development program at Morning Star Ranch.
Students are nominated based on this criteria:
- financially-challenged environment
- going into the 7th or 8th grade
- and a positive influence on the students around them
Your scholarship donation will provide an incredible adventure in leadership training for a financially challenged teen in your community.
Get Involved!!
From the beginning in 1996 God has brought the most incredible people in the most remarkable ways to help in His mission here.
Here are ways to be involved at Morning Star Ranch!
•You can pray wisdom, knowledge and understanding over us as we continue toward the goal set before us.
•You can volunteer to come and help during the ETS Rides, Spring Break, Summer and KROSS programs.
•Be a STAR PARTNER and send a monthly donation of any size for general maintenance and expenses of operation.
•You can sponsor a financially challenged teen with a $250 donation for Spring Break or Summer Camp.
•You can tell every young teen you know about the fun we have here and encourage them to join our program.
•You can help spread the word and help solicit support by telling your friends, family, clubs and churches about our ministry to help teens (no matter their current financial status) to become strong leaders in our communities.
•Please keep Morning Star Ranch in mind for spring and fall retreats, family reunions, meetings and parties. The money we make on these events carries us through the off season and helps us feed our horses and make repairs and improvements. We guarantee you cannot beat our rates!
•Donate new or recycled boots, horse tack, building materials, bricks, fencing, etc. You would be surprised what we can use!
•Let us know about grants for financial help through your work or organizations.
•Volunteer your God-given skills in cooking, carpentry, plumbing, painting, sewing, clerical, cleaning, organizing, promoting, etc.
•Organize a work day and bring your friends from church, clubs, organizations or FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) to help us keep up with maintenance, grooming and trimming horses, mowing, weed eating, etc. The pay ain't much but the retirement is out of this world!
•Help us improve our pastures. In 16 years we have never gotten everything mowed so if you like to ride the tractor, or repair fence, come on!

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The most loving
and powerful thing
on earth is a
* A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task
* A person who works for an organization without being paid